Goat Milk Laundry Soap (Multiple Options Available)
Introducing our Goat Milk Laundry Soap made with goat milk soap, washing soda, and essential oil for the different scents we have available. We have a few scents available that are perfect for laundry but since we make this from scratch like all of our other items we can make your laundry smell like anything you want!
Introducing our Goat Milk Laundry Soap made with goat milk soap, washing soda, and essential oil for the different scents we have available. We have a few scents available that are perfect for laundry but since we make this from scratch like all of our other items we can make your laundry smell like anything you want!
Introducing our Goat Milk Laundry Soap made with goat milk soap, washing soda, and essential oil for the different scents we have available. We have a few scents available that are perfect for laundry but since we make this from scratch like all of our other items we can make your laundry smell like anything you want!